Pikkus / Length / Длинна 2,36m Test / Тест 5-24g Ridva kaal / Weight / Вес 115g Action / Строй Extra-Fast
ZETRIX HeelHound HHS-822XXH max120g
Zetrix Solver SLS-742L 3-14g
ZETRIX Berta ZBT-65M 21g 65cm
ZETRIX Gretta ZGT-65MH 21g 65cm
ZETRIX Glacier TypeR ZGR-65MH 21g 65cm
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-782ML 4-18g 2,35m
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-852ML 4-18g 2,55m
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-812H 14-50g 2,44m
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-802M 8-32g 2,4m
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-792MLM 5-24g 2,38m
ZETRIX HeelHound Dark Blood HHDS-822SBE max140g
ZETRIX HeelHound Dark Blood HHDS-862BPT max240g
ZETRIX Hayron HRS-822SBE Max 140gr
Zetrix Avalance ZAC-822MH 12-42g 249m
Zetrix Avalance ZAS-822MH 12-46g 2.49m
ZETRIX HeelHound HHC-802H max 56g
ZETRIX HeelHound HHC-792XH max 90g
ZETRIX Hayron HRC-842SBE 200Max 252m
Zetrix Avalanche ZAS-832HH Test 25-80gr Lenght 251cm
Zetrix Avalanche ZAS-882MH Test 12-46gr Lenght 264 cm
ZETRIX HeelHound HHS-792XH max 90g
ZETRIX Flair FLS-802ML-T Test 1.5-14gr Lenght 2.44m
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 822MH Test 12-46gr Line 0.8-1.7PE
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 842SBE Test Max 200gr
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 802M Test 7-28gr Line 0.6-1.5PE
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 762ML Test 5-21gr Line 0.5-1.2PE Zetrix Hayron 2nd Generation is a new product for the 2024 summer season, a restyling of the popular series of spinning rods. All models of the 2nd generation Zetrix Hayron received an updated design and fittings. And for greater convenience in work, a hookkeeper is installed on the blank....
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 702MH Test 10-35gr Line 0.8-1.7PE
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 742LML Test 4-17gr Line 0.4-1PE
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 792MLM Test 5-24gr Line 0.6-1.2PE
ZETRIX Hayron 2 Generation HRS 822SBE Max 140gr